Apply for a grant

The Wavendon Foundation is a small charity run by just six trustees and a part time administrator. We therefore try to keep the amount of correspondence to a manageable level and prefer to handle it by email and/or through this website. If you wish to contact the charity by post then please address mail to our Registered Office: The Wavendon Foundation, 83 Ducie Street, Manchester M1 2JQ. It will then be forwarded on.
All applications for support must be accompanied by a completed application form which can be downloaded from this website. Preferably, completed forms can also be sent by email. We will try to acknowledge forms withing 7 days of receipt but it may take rather longer before we can inform applicants whether their application has been successful. This will depend on the timing of the quarterly Trustees’ Meeting at which all current applications will be reviewed.
Please bear in mind that the charity limits it scope to supporting the performing arts. Much as we should like to support the great work done by so many other organisations we do not have the funds to consider requests from outside our specific focus.
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
We take seriously our responsibilities for protecting your data as required by GDPR. By applying for a grant you will be giving your permission for us to hold such personal data as you supply but this will not be shared by any person or any organisation other than the trustees and administrator of The Wavendon Foundation.