What we do
The charity’s trust deed defines our objectives as “to apply funds whether or not to a registered charity to bodies corporate or persons engaged or who have been engaged in the education of the public through the performing arts for the relief of poverty amongst such class or classes of person or persons”. With these as our fundamental guidelines we therefore concentrate our donations specifically towards the Performing rather than to Visual or other art forms. We have supported a wide range of music performance and education genres, concentrating particularly on individuals who are suffering hardship in pursuance of their ambitions, but anyone engaged in other branches of the performing arts, professionally or not, is welcome to apply. All applications must be accompanied by the form available on this website.

Photo: Natalie Carter
If you are thinking of making an application, then it is worth bearing in mind that the Wavendon Foundation is not a large charity. The funds we have available are generated through the investment income and the Trustees carefully balance current demand against the sustainability of the Trust.